
Vaya Con Dios

Format : 33 tours / 30cm / LP
Pays : [France] France
Sortie : 1988 chez Ariola (209 400)
Pochette :Luk Nonneman, Stefan Loeckx - Photo : Goedele Verleysen
Voir : Vaya Con Dios
Face A : 1. Don’t cry for Louie (Danielle Schoovaerts - Dirk Schoufs) - 2’57
2. The moonshiner (D. Schoufs - Una Balfe) - 2’43
3. Lors help me please (D. Schoovaerts - Frank Wuyts - U. Balfe) - 3’17
4. Lay your hands (D. Schoovaerts - D. Schoufs) - 3’40
5. Lulu’s song (D. Schoovaerts - D. Schoufs - U. Balfe) - 4’46
6. Just a friend of mine (D. Schoovaerts - D. Schoufs - Willy Lambregt) - 3’18
Face B : 1. I sold my soul (D. Schoovaerts - D. Schoufs - Jean-Michel Gielen) - 4’56
2. One silver dollar (Ken Darby - Lionel Newman) - 2’59
3. Philadelphia (Albert Letecheur - D. Schoovaerts - D. Schoufs) - 3’30
4. Remember (D. Schoovaerts - D. Schoufs - U. Balfe - W. Lambregt) - 2’45
5. Puerto Rico (D. Schoovaerts - D. Schoufs) - 4’16
6. Johnny (Francis Lemarque - Les Paul) - 2’15